

Public History Graduate Student Assistant Partnerships

Negotiated a partnership agreement between two local public history venues, Bonanzaville and the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County (HCSCC), to place graduate students in professional positions for 20 hours a week while pursuing an M.A. or Ph.D. with a focus in public history. Bonanzaville and HCSCC contribute a lion‘s share of the payroll and NDSU contributes a smaller stipend and a tuition waver. This is an ideal way to provide graduate students in public history ”real world“ experience while they work on an advanced degree.
$28,000 per year


PI for Griggs County HABS State Level II Documentation Project

The money funded one graduate assistant for a Historic Preservation Project with the ND SHPO and Griggs County.
This historic preservation project originated with the ND SHPO, who required Griggs County to contract me and a graduate student to complete a HABS State Level II documentation project before the county could tear down the original county courthouse (built in the 1884). I worked with Wyatt Atchley, my graduate assistant, to measure, photograph, research, and write a report for the county. I traveled to the Griggs County Courthouse five times to conduct research, take photos, and measure it. The report was submitted at the end of May, 2021.

Summer 2019

Humanities North Dakota Grant

Public History Field School
Fessenden, North Dakota
$6,800 in funding for supplies

May 2019

Humanities North Dakota

Quick Grant for Exhibit: North Dakota Goes to War
$1,500 for supplies

May 2018

Veterans Administration Exhibit Grant for the Fargo History Project


September 2017

National Endowment for the Humanities Reviewer

Digital Humanities Grant Reviewer
Washington, D.C.

Summer 2017

North Dakota Humanities Council

Quick Grant for the 2017 Public History Field School in Linton, North Dakota
$1,500 for supplies

Spring 2017

North Dakota Humanities Council

Quick Grant for the Bonanzaville Exhibit: Uncovering Vice in Fargo/Moorhead, 1871-1920
$1,500 for supplies


NEH Humanities on the Public Square Grant

Project Unpack: Telling Stories, Creating Community, Understanding the Legacies of War at Home. This grant funded a one year set of programs to initiate dialogues in the Fargo-Moorhead and North Dakota communities about the legacies of American wars. The goals of the grant are to create space for veterans, their family members, and the larger community, to unpack, or in other words, talk freely, about complex topics such as life in the military, experiences of war, the return home, and readjusting to life as a civilian. Responsible for conducting and coordinating the oral history component of the grant.